Фільмографія Tony Cole

George Whitebrooke: Rainmaker (2020)
George Whitebrooke
Agent 07: Cut to the Chase (2020)
Jack Stone
Faked (2020)
Sasha Lazarov
George Whitebrooke: The Fourth Line (2020)
George Whitebrooke
Million Dollar Bill (2020)
Richard Forsythe
Civil War 4: Empire (2020)
A One Crow World (2020)
Tony Cole
Lorne (2019)
Lt. Barry Lorne
Escapists 2 (2019)
Hank Green
Tiebreaker (2019)
Jack Stone
Jack Stone: End of the Line (2019)
Jack Stone
Civil War 3: Arrival (2019)
Mikael Grohn: Iron Curtain (2019)
Elias Nordström
Fastest of the North (2019)
Joe English
Nicholson (2019)
Nick Ahlqvist
Made in Jacobtown (2019)
Donnie Wheeler
The Ditch (2019)
Blake Simmons
Jayce Harris (2019)
Miller Gotch
Jack Stone: Diamond Cutter (2018)
Jack Stone
Between Stone and a Clank Space (2018)
Jack Stone
Tom Peak (2018)
Matthew Manning
Jack Stone: Rogue Albion (2018)
Jack Stone
Jack Stone: Second to None (2017)
Jack Stone
Clank: Red Mosaic (2017)
Roland Carlander
Jack Stone: For Queen and Country (2017)
Jack Stone
24/7 (2017)
Christian Kleffer
Six (2016)
Christian Kleffer
Greed (2016)
Wheels of Fortune (2016)
Bounty (2016)
Bowman ...У титрах Anthony Cole
Jack Stone: Instruments of Armageddon (2016)
Jack Stone ...У титрах Anthony Cole
Jack Stone: Killed in Action (2015)
Jack Stone