Актори фільма (2015)

Селва Расалингам
Selva Rasalingam
Карима Гуи
Karima Gouit
Ramdane Aala...Caiaphas
Ettuhfi Abdellatif...Wise Man
Амаль Аюш
Amal Ayouch
Adam Belmajdoub...Young Jesus
Rachid Bidi...Wise Man
Dahabi Bouragate...Simon the Zealot
Abdellatif Chaouqi...Joseph
Mostafa Charfoui...Thaddaeus
Khalid Ben Chegra...Herod Antipas
Noureddine Cherfaoui...James Son of Alphaeus
El Housseine Dejjiti...Judas Iscariot
Leila El Fadili...Mary Magdelene
Omar El Gannouni...Father of Mary
Rabie El Kati...Wise Man
Mohamed El Korchi...Matthew
Jassab Fatima...Martha Sister of Lazarus
Daalous Fouzia...Mary Older Mother of Jesus
Hicham Gouton...John the Baptist
Hamdane Mohamed Habib...Lazarus
Rabya Habib...Shepherd
Hayat Haigoune...Salome
Mohamed Houri...Shepherd
Абдеррахим Кира
Abderrahim Khira
Махмуди М’Барек
Mahmoudi M'Barek
...Simon Peter
Abdelaziz N'Mila...Andrew
Sana Negraoui...Susanna
Mohamed Nmilla...Bartholomew
Фатима Нуали
Fatima Nouali
Azouzi Omar...Herod the Great
Mohamed Ouchen...Shepherd
Фатима Сейтнер
Fatima Sater
...Mother of Mary
Abdelilah Wahbi...James Son of Zebedee
Ait Youssef Youssef...Philip
Outazgui Zahira...Mary Sister of Lazarus
Морад Зауі
Mourad Zaoui
Brahim Ez Zaouy...Pontius Pilate
Lamya Zhari...Joanna