Актеры фильма (2010)

Lucian Xanthos...The Hermit (segment 'The Hermit')
Табита Фуллер
Tabitha Fuller
...Lynda (segment 'The Hermit')
Justin Herman...Thom (segment 'The Hermit')
Эдриэнн Коллинз
Adrienne Collins
...Officer Hope Williams (segment 'Rasputin's Ghost')
Джастин Бёрд
Justin Byrd
...Kevin Vincent (segment 'Rasputin's Ghost')
Jeannie Stacks...Samantha Ryan (segment 'Rasputin's Ghost')
Джессика Уорд
Jessica Ward
...Jessica Ryan (segment 'Rasputin's Ghost')
Мэтт Спис
Matt Spease
...Rasputin (segment 'Rasputin's Ghost')
Джулия Фэй
Julia Fay
...  911 Operator (segment 'Rasputin's Ghost')
Рон Вишер
Ron Vischer
...The Hacker (segment 'The Hebrew Hacker')
Джейсон Ковьелло
Jason Coviello
...Steve Sanders (segment 'The Hebrew Hacker')
Хит С. Хейн
Heath C. Heine
...Adam Abernathy (segment 'The Hebrew Hacker')
Дж. Майкл Уайсс
J. Michael Weiss
...Jonas Adams (segment 'The Hebrew Hacker')
Ариэль Брачфелд
Arielle Brachfeld
...Jonas' Girlfriend (segment 'The Hebrew Hacker')
Дэйзи Оуингс
Daisy Owings
...Mary Valdemar / Shannon Cates (segments 'The Case Of Mary Valdemar' 'The Angel Of Death')
Крис Рэндолл
Chris Randall
...Angel Of Death (segments 'The Case Of Mary Valdemar' 'The Angel Of Death')
Кэролайн Холт
Caroline Holt
...Allyssa (segment 'Consequences')
Колли Бэйли
Colley Bailey
...Being (segment 'Consequences')
Синди Ромео
Cindy Romeo
...Tawney (segment 'Consequences')
Steve Stone...Allan (segment 'Consequences')
Брайан Рэмм
Brian Ramme
...Detective Joe Simms / Officer Beau Brady (segments 'The Angel Of Death' 'Rasputin's Ghost')
Стивен Скотт Остин
Steven Scott Austin
...Detective Damon Cruise (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Kaisha Johnson...Angela Anderson (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Миранда Брюэр
Miranda Brewer
...Cyndi Wynn (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Чарли Спис
Charlie Spease
...Virgil Anderson (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Анита Карр
Anita Karr
...Rhonda Patterson (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Barney Lykens...The Coroner (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Дженнифер Дэй
Jennifer Day
...Charlotte Brooks
John Vasiliou...  Kyle Patterson (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Джейд Майкл Лафонт
Jade Michael LaFont
...  Sergeant Wilson (segment 'The Angel Of Death')
Брайан Хардин
Brian Hardin
...  Will (segment 'The Case Of Mary Valdemar')
Чарли Брэйди
Charlie Brady
...  Mike (segment 'The Case Of Mary Valdemar')