Актори фільма (2016)

Мэйси МакЛэйн
Masey McLain
...Rachel Joy Scott
Бен Дейвис
Ben Davies
...Nathan Ballard
Камерон МакКендри
Cameron McKendry
...Alex Dickerson
Терри Минтон
Terri Minton
...Beth Nimmo
Виктория Стейли
Victoria Staley
Тейлор Калупа
Taylor Kalupa
Эмма Эль Робертс
Emma Elle Roberts
Сэди Робертсон
Sadie Robertson
Давид Эрриго мл.
David Errigo Jr.
...Eric Harris
Кори Чепмен
Cory Chapman
...Dylan Klebold
Марк Догерти
Mark Daugherty
Джастин Коун
Justin Cone
Дженніфер О’Ніл
Jennifer O'Neill
Бен ВандерМей
Ben VanderMey
...Brian Riggs
Джесі Веласкез
Jaci Velasquez
...Mrs. Diaz
Нэнси Стэффорд
Nancy Stafford
...Mrs. Talbot
Мэттью Шулер
Matthew Schuler
Кори Робертсон
Korie Robertson
...Aunt Bea
Josh Castle...Dave
Daniel Simpkins...Austin
Nola Fulk...Young Rachel
Bella Robertson...Anna
Дерик фон Таген
Derick Von Tagen
...Craig Scott
Анна Грэйс Стюарт
Anna Grace Stewart
...Dana Scott
Ashlyn Moore...Bethanee Scott
Джон Ньюберг
John Newberg
...Larry Nimmo
Isaac Lovoy...Mike Scott
Лорен Кроуфорд
Lauren Crawford
Эбигейл Духон
Abigail Duhon
Пэйтон Кристиан
Payton Christian
...Columbine Student
Джесса Зарубика
Jessa Zarubica
Брент Гор
Brent Gore
...Coffee Shop Manager
Брэд Эбрелл
Brad Abrell
Райан Кетцнер
Ryan Ketzner
Джастин Ландри
Justin Landry
...Trench Coat Mafia
Rose Reid...Kim
Julianne Fincher...Prom Attendee
Даг Гриффин
Doug Griffin
...Radio Announcer
Тамара Хайлер
Tammy Hyler
...Mrs. Whitehurst
Винн Райхерт
Wynn Reichert
...History Teacher
Стивен Дади
Steven Dady
Дарби Каппиллино
Darby Cappillino
...Young Dana
Майкл Кетцнер
Michael Ketzner
...Video white hat
Amelia Mann...Mourner at the Funeral
Maddie Kimrey...Columbine Student
Рен Фогель
Reen Vogel
...Coffee Shop Patron
Karissa Wheeler...Columbine Student
Омар Лагудали
Omar Lagudali
Остин Коул
Austin Cole
...Student Athlete - White Hat Club
Abigail Johnson...Columbine Student
Hallie Haynie...Drama Student
Schalet Jackson...Columbine Teacher
Ashtyn Green...Breakthrough Cell Group Friend
Madalyn Alston...Breakthrough
Seth Walden...White Hat
Mark Gonzalez...Hallway Heckler
Weibert Olivia...Mourner at the Funeral
Крэйг К. Скотт
Craig X. Scott
...Mini Mart Clerk
Tori K. Hight...Breakthrough Cell Group Friend
Джош Шерер
Josh Scherer
...White Hat
Kim Baldwin...Church Member
Victoria Cassida...Mourner at the Funeral
Beth Nimmo...Prom Chaperone
Nancy Mobley...Mourner at the Funeral
Hunter Johnson...Prom Attendee
Christina Maria Wendt...Drama Student
Catie Simpkins...Columbine Student
Kim Lally...Mourner at the Funeral
Emma Redmon...Freshman Girl
Sarrah Long...Drama Student
Skyler Lambright...Columbine Student
Carson Graham...Young Craig
Zachary Ensor...Trench Coat Mafia
Yulia Fowler...Columbine Teacher
Lillian Keen...Drama Student
Julia Anne Davis...Drama Student
Софи Кин
Sophie Keen
...Columbine student
Бенни Проффитт
Benny Proffitt
...Thrift store clerk
Victoria Glover...Drama Student
Bailey Dozier...Drama Student
Jake Leach...Worship Band
Nick Brannum...Prom Attendee
Максвелл Райт
Maxwell Wright
...Breakthrough Friend
Wanda Lewandowsky...Mourner at the Funeral
Justin Jeter...Fowler
Джим Броно
Jim Bronaugh
...Mourner at the Funeral
Hope Wakeling...Prom Attendee
Easton Kieth Phillips...Columbine Student
Alexandra Mitchell...History Student
Christine Smith...Drama Student
Дэнни Пенистон
Danny Peniston
Shannon Skillern...Mourner at the Funeral
Charlie Smith...Coffee Shop Patron
Emily Howell...Mourner at the Funeral
Kaitlyn Williams...Columbine Student
Michaela Tedeschi...Breakthrough Friend
Oren Oliver...Patron at the theatre
Ellie Smith...History Student
Austin Foster...White Hat Crew
Andrew Forrer
У титрах Andrew Gordon
...Breakthrough Friend
Jordan Wallace...Prom Attendee
Graham Ben...Pastor
Coley...Breakthrough Friend
Shelby Dionne...Breakthrough Friend
Kiley Grayce Sims...Mourner at the Funeral
Partridge Lottie...Mourner at the Funeral
Lexy Tays...Breakthrough Friend
Izzy Garcia...Drama Student
Addison Blanks...Homeless Person
Houston Gordon...Breakthrough Friend
Brunson Emme...Breakthrough
Hannah Kyong...Columbine Student
Biggerstaff Anna...Breakthrough Friend
Catherine Burford...Mourner at the Funeral
Gabrielle Savage...Columbine Student
Zachariah D. King...Drama Student
LeeAnn Balke...Mourner at the Funeral
Ashlan Panaia...Drama Student
Kat Brosche...Breakthrough Friend
Noah Basara...Homeless Person
Kim Renee Weaver...Church Member
Хэли Джонсон
Haleigh Johnson
...Prom Attendee
Lemmers Brett...Breakthrough Friend
Taryn Alese...Mourner at the Funeral
Colton Kilgore...Homeless Person
Чак Шоу
Chuck Shaw
...Sitting funeral preacher
Isaac Thompson...Breakthrough Cell Group Friend
Miranda Jean Dempsey...Mourner at the Funeral
Eli Warner...Young Mike
Robin von Tagen...Patron at the Theatre
Ashlee Duncan...Columbine Student
Jared Staman...Trench Coat Mafia
Addison McFarlin...Drama Student
Trudy Bachmann...Coffee Shop Patron
Matthew Hatton...Prom Attendee
Bette Cassida...Mourner at the Funeral
Shannon McCready...Voice of God
Karen Shea...Coffee Shop Patron
Joseph Deyerle...Prom Refreshment Attendant
Aaron Crigger...White Hat Crew
Brantley Pollock...Worship Band
Eliza McCready...Reagan
Michael Rojas...Homeless Person
Estrella Mireles...Drama Student
Bridger Partridge...White Hat Crew
Brighton Kilgore...Trench Coat Mafia
Adam Bridges...Drama Student
Randall Holton...Coffee Shop Patron
Sam Anctil...Mourner at the Funeral
Rachel Van Zen...Columbine Student
Garrett Ray II...Trench Coat Mafia
Julia Weathers...Drama Student
Diana Dempsey...Mourner at the Funeral
Emmy Bachmann...Breakthrough Friend
Shelby Keller...Columbine Student
Kathryn Palma...Breakthrough Cell Group Friend
Sherri McCready...Homeless woman