Актори фільма (2004)

Знімальна група: Актори, Режисер, Продюсери, Композитори, Монтажери
Дэвид Олбрайт
David Albright
...грає себе, Physicist and former weapons inspector with the IAEA Action team
Роберт Баер
Robert Baer
...грає себе, Former CIA operative who served in Iraq and Lebanon
Милтон Берден
Milton Bearden
...грає себе, Former Head of the CIA's Societ / Eastern European Division and Station Chief in Pakistan
Рэнд Бирс
Rand Beers
...грає себе, Former Special Assistant to the President and National Security Council Senior Director for Combating Terrorism
Bill Christison...грає себе, Former CIA Director of the Office of Regional and Political Analysis
Дэвид Корн
David Corn
...грає себе, Washington Editor of the Nation Magazine
Филип Койл
Philip Coyle
...грає себе, Former Assistant Security of Defense and Director of Operational Test and Evaluation at the Pentagon
Джон Дин
John Dean
...грає себе, Former White House Counsel to President Nixon
Патрик Эддингтон
Patrick Eddington
...грає себе, Former CIA Analyst during the 1991 Iraq War
Чес Фриман
Chas Freeman
...грає себе, Former Assistant Secretary of Defense and Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
Грэхэм Фуллер
Graham Fuller
...грає себе, Former Vice Chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the CIA
Мелвин Гудман
Melvin Goodman
У титрах Mel Goodman
...грає себе, 20 year Senior CIA Analyst
John Brady Kiesling...грає себе, Former Political Counselor to the US Embassy Athens, Greece
Карен Квятковский
Karen Kwiatkowski
...грає себе, Former Air Force Lt. Colonel
Патрик Лэнг
Patrick Lang
...грає себе, Former Chief of Middle East Intelligence at the Defense Intelligence Agency
David MacMichael...грає себе, 13 year CIA Analyst
Рэй МакГоверн
Ray McGovern
...грає себе, Former Chairman of the National Intelligence Estimate
Скотт Риттер
Scott Ritter
...грає себе, Former Marine Captain and UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq from 1991-98
Клер Шорт
Clare Short
...грає себе, Former UK Cabinet Minister in Labor Government
Стэнсфилд Тернер
Stansfield Turner
...грає себе, Former Director of the CIA and Commander of the Second Fleet
Генри Ваксман
Henry Waxman
...грає себе, Congressman representing California's 30th Congressional District
Томас Э. Уайт
Thomas E. White
...грає себе, 23 year Commissioned Office and Former Secretary of the Army
Джозеф Уилсон
Joseph Wilson
...грає себе, Former Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Iraq and special assistant to the President
Мэри Энн Райт
Mary Ann Wright
...грає себе, Deputy Chief of Mission in the US Embassies in Sierra Leone and Afghanistan
Питер Зиммерман
Peter Zimmerman
...грає себе, Former Chief Scientist of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee