Актори фільма (1985)

Барбара Уайлер
Barbara Wyler
...Woman at Window (segment 'The Night Train')
Джэми Скоггин
Jamie Scoggin
...Man at Window (segment 'The Night Train')
Стэйси Лайонс
Stacey Lyons
...Dancer (segment 'The Night Train')
Linda Maderas...Dancer (segment 'The Night Train')
Мелани Монтилла
Melanie Montilla
...Dancer (segment 'The Night Train')
Chantel Morogeus...Dancer (segment 'The Night Train')
Байрон Йордан
Byron Yordan
...Rock Singer / Breakdancer (segment 'The Night Train')
Ричард Санфорд
Richard Sanford
...Bass (segment 'The Night Train')
Lori Bell...Drums (segment 'The Night Train')
Марли Кларк
Marlie Clark
...Guitar (segment 'The Night Train')
Рік Арбакль
Rick Arbuckle
...Sax (segment 'The Night Train')
Анджела Николетти
Angela Nicoletti
...Singing Girl (segment 'The Night Train')
Дина Ли Руссо
Dina Lee Russo
...Singing Girl (segment 'The Night Train')
Эрл Вашингтон
Earl Washington
...Night Porter (segment 'The Night Train')
Гэбриел Уайтхаус
Gabriel Whitehouse
...Conductor (segment 'The Night Train')
Тони Джорджо
Tony Giorgio
У титрах Lu Sifer
...Satan (segment 'The Night Train')
Ферді Мейн
Ferdy Mayne
У титрах God
...God (segment 'The Night Train')
Джон Філліп Ло
John Phillip Law
...Harry Billings (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Річард Молл
Richard Moll
У титрах Charles Moll
...Otto (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings') / James Hansen (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')
Ева Хессе
Eva Hesse
...Harry's Wife (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Шэрон Рэтклифф
Sharon Ratcliff
...Dr. Fargo (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Артур М. Брэхам
Arthur M. Braham
...Dr. Brewer (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Джини Флинн
Jini Flynn
...Newlywed Woman (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Рик Барнс
Rick Barnes
...Newlywed Man (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings') / Glenn Marshall (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Лиза Уоткинс
Lisa Watkins
...Verna, Bar Owner (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Чарльз Паркер
Charles Parker
...Man in Bar (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Мики Энн Корбин
Micki Anne Corbin
...Blond at Church (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Carla Marlanee
У титрах Carla Marlenee
...Restaurant Girl (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Донна Грилло
Donna Grillo
...Dead Girl on Rope (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Эми Суссман
Amy Sussman
...Bikini Girl (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Меридет Кеннеди
Merideth Kennedy
У титрах Meredith Kennedy
...Dead Redhead (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Peter Creadick...Lobotomized Patient (segment 'The Case of Harry Billings')
Дж. Мартин Селлерс
J. Martin Sellers
...George Youngmeyer (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Меридет Хэйз
Merideth Haze
У титрах Meridith Haze
...Gretta Connors (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Энн Фэйрчайлд
Anne Fairchild
...Contessa Pacelli (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Марк Ридли
Mark E. Ridley
У титрах Mark Ridley
...Prince Flubutu (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Уильям Чарльз
William Charles
...Federico Schmidt (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Barbara De Vandre...Girl in Park (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Ивэн А. Столайр
Evan A. Stoliar
...Boy in Park (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Джо Шерон
Joe Sheron
...Head Kidnapper (segment 'The Case of Gretta Connors')
Кемерон Мітчелл
Cameron Mitchell
...The Lieutenant (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')
Марк Лоуренс
Marc Lawrence
...Mr. Weiss / Dieter (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')
Фэйт Клифт
Faith Clift
...Claire Hansen (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')
Роберт Бристоль
Robert Bristol
...Olivier (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')
Maurice Grandmaison...Papini (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')
Christie Starley
У титрах Christie Wagner
...Dance Club Hostess (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')
Хуан Луис Куриэль
Juan Luis Curiel
...The Priest (segment 'The Case of Claire Hansen')