Актори фільма

Джереми Рише
Jeremy Rishe
...Marty Kidner aka «The Kid»
Рэй Рейнолдс
Ray Reynolds
...Mick aka The Captain
Doug Farrell...The Candyman
Дэйл Э. Тернер
Dale E. Turner
...Carl aka «The Cop»
Брайан Дэйл Браун
Brian Dale Brown
...Jonah aka «The Intern»
Джулиус Каллахан
Julius Callahan
...Kierst aka «The Adblaster»
Марк Белтцман
Mark Beltzman
...Sweet Tooth aka «The Taste Tester»
Макс Молион
Maxx Maulion
...Gary aka «The Sound Man»
Марк Геллер
Marc Geller
...Marshmallow Man
Дж. Пол Салветти
G. Paul Salvetti
...Pirate Ice Cream Man
Александр Джеймисон
Alexander Jameson
...Infomercial Child
Крістофер С. Меле
Christopher Mele
...Chicago Cop
Эдисон Эйзенберг
Adison Eisenberg
...Infomercial Child
Фрэнки Петросино
Frankie Petrosino
...Little Boy
Марк А. Лэнгстон
Mark Langston
У титрах Mark A. Langston
...Wall Street Trader
Кэйси Ли
Kasey Lee
...Vietnamese Child
Лили Петерсон
Lily Peterson
...Marshmallow Girl
Нимо Ганди
Nimo Gandhi
...The Dentist
Стюарт Стейнберг
Stewart Steinberg
...The Grandpa
Эрик Самора
Erick Zamora
John Elefantis...Dominican Laborer
Niko Papastefanou...Ice Cream Buddy
Jose Claudio...Soliciting Ice Cream Man
Drew Schrum...
Alex Louis...Childhood Friend
Марк Ресник
Mark Resnik
...Burly Worker
Филип Шефер
Philip Schaefer
...Infomercial Producer
Пол Чек
Paul Check
...Drug-Dealing Ice Cream Man
Тави Хуарес
Tavi Juarez
...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Логан Тейлор
Logan Taylor
...Young Marty
Джесси ФонДефеер
Jesse VanDerveer
...Ding Dong Kid
Бренда Кусимба
Brenda Kuciemba
...Wall Street Trader
Claudia L. Brown...Candy, the Cake Jumper
Дрю Хенриксен
Drew Henriksen
Тимоти Миллс
Timothy Mills
...Berlin Wall Protester
Tomas Condon...Pot Brownie Man
Линнси Льюис
Lynnsey Lewis
...Birthday Cake Mascot / Mallowland Visitor
Джастин Р.Г. Холкомб
Justin R.G. Holcomb
...Scottish Cop
Juliana Scherer...Marshmallow Girl
Мари Чек
Marie Check
...School Girl
Hayden Lamanuzzi...Mallow Twin #1
Рэймонд Савой
Raymond Savoie
...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Caitlyn Stellwagen...Childhood Friend
Tanner Lamanuzzi...Mallow Twin #2
Лаура Маццотти
Laura Mazziotti
...Marshmallow Mom
Mel Gibbon...Bachelor Party Partier
Хосе Лопес
Jose Lopez
...Marshmallow Mascot
Gary McNerney...Marshmallow Executive
Томас Д. Уивер
Thomas D. Weaver
...The Ice Cream Criminal
Erik Contzius...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Глория Юнг
Gloria Jung
...Crazed Homemaker
Мэриэн Эдмистон
Marian Edmiston
...Historical Society Docent
Jonathon Garrity...Whippet Warrior
Нейт Стейнуочс
Nate Steinwachs
Timothy Shore...Infomercial Spokesman
Kevin Moccia...Jim Jones
Джоан Шенголд
Joan Shangold
...The Mom
Джудит Анна Ди Донато
Judith Anna Di Donato
...Crazed Homemaker
Майкл Стэнли
Michael Stanley
...Marshmallow Executive
Гэбриэл Эйуэн
Gabriel Awan
...Infomercial Subject
Винсент Леонг
Vincent Leong
Chris Tangredi...Chocolate Loading Dock Worker
Anna Bella Michelino...Crazed Homemaker
Кристиан Вонцль
Kristian Wanzl
...German Translator
Emil Ferzola...Marshmallow Executive
Elodie Rose
У титрах Elodie Di Palo Burrone
...Wall Street Trader
Констанс Вуки
Constance Wookey
...Berlin Wall Protester
Amy Lange...Infomercial Spokeswoman
Francis Mancho...Mallowland Visitor
Marc Blagowidow...NYPD Policeman
Lori Franzese...Theme Park Visitor
Фернандо Рамос
Fernando Ramos
У титрах Ruben F. Ramos
...Berlin Wall Protester
Tom Benjamin...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Lana Gallo...Mallowland Visitor
Marianne Taylor...Young Marty's Mom
Кристин Доннелли
Christine Donnelly
...Theme Park Greeter
Nico Petrosino...Young Marty's friend / Kit Kat Kid
Грегори Ливайн
Gregory Levine
...Adolf Hitler
Mami Kudo...Gary's Love Interest
Tyler Koester...Mallowland Visitor
Brian Matthew Higgs...Laboratory Taste Tester
Doan Denehee...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Ричард Флайт
Richard Flight
...Marshmallow CEO
Russell Norris...Mallowland Visitor
Noble B. Whitted...Childhood Friend
Siena Corrigan...Childhood Friend
Jessica Michal...Juke Box Girl
Ларисса Шраг
Larissa Schrage
...Candy Cane Mascot
Mary Kate Kruhm...Theater-goer
Тони Кост
Tony Kost
...Corporate Security Guard
Joseph Golden...Mallowland Visitor
Courtney Baranow...Donut Disco Girl
Dan Lerner...Marshmallow Executive
Vivian Petrosino...Little Boy's Mother
Gayle DeBaun...Historical Society Docent
Донна Л. Уайт
Donna L. White
...Mocking Reporter
Kellyrose Marry...Theater-goer
Fiona Nunn...Theater-goer
Sanjra Livingston...Theme Park Visitor
Dan Forman...Marshmallow Executive
Jessica Bulzachelli...District Attorney Intern
Bleu Kingsley
У титрах Delaney Bleu
...Hot Cocoa Girl
Brian Thomas...Mallowland Visitor
David DeRita...Berlin Wall Protester
Arthur S. Armstrong III...
Дина Лучези
Dina Lucchesi
...Crazed Homemaker
Трой Райт
Troy Wright
...Cote D'Ivoire Soldier
Eunice Rhodes...Laboratory Taste Tester
Peter Larson...Degenerate Ice Cream Man
Edwina McGonigle...Mallowland Visitor
Paulo Guimaraes...Protester / Mascot
Phyllis Clements...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Kristin Went...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Craig Rufolo...Lollipop Man
Alayna Johnson...Theater-goer
Joe Masciello...Infomercial Prop Man
Erin Story...Mallowland Visitor
Paul Cosma...San Fran Bodega Owner
Gerlind Lwowski...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Эмбер Лианг
Amber Liang
...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Katie Winkelstein-Deveneck...Mallowland Visitor
Robert Baneky...NYPD Policeman
Gjina Bujaj...Supermarket Shopper
Leah Alfieri...Mallowland Visitor
Jarred White...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Tess Dul...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Philip Angelastro...Mallowland Visitor
Andrew Pesavento...Mallowland Visitor
Брэдли Родс
Bradley Rhodes
...Marshmallow Executive
Nealie Diggs...Mocking Reporter
Kayla Weinerman...Mallowland Visitor
Doreen Florence...Wall Street Trader
Caitlin Sing...Mallowland Visitor
Alyssa Perugini...Mallowland Visitor
Luis Torres...Bachelor Party Partier
Richard Thomas...Mallowland Visitor
Tola Lawal...Haitian Migrant
Tyrone Bowen...San Fran Convenience Store Patron
Julie Novak...Devon
Garfield Holland...Ice Cream Drug Customer
Joseph Calderone...Boozy Bears Guy
Моника Флаэрти
Monica Flaherty
...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Tyler Mell...Bachelor Party Partier
Katerina Trantzas...Vietnamese Child
Kim Kreil...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Patricia McBride...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Paul Helou...Korean War Soldier
Ryan Dreyer...Wall Street Trader
Christopher M. Popp...Jumping Ice Cream Man / Nam Soldier
Stanley Petoin...Haitian Migrant
Brinn Patterson...Startled Shopper
Jess Dul...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Грегори Рамос
Gregory Ramos
...Whippet Warrior
Kyle Krukar...Vietnam Soldier
Joanne Patterson...Startled Shopper
Anthony Stellato...Wall Street Trader
Alex Oliver...Mallowland Visitor
Westley Barrington Artope...Security Guard
Mickey Denehee...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Jacob Contzius...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Michael Webb...Mallowland Visitor
Cassandra Lynn King...  
John Litaker...Mascot
Tondrae Kemp...Marshmallow Executive
Jason Nelson...Haitian Migrant
James McGonigle...Marshmallow Executive
Erica Lyn Higgs...Mallowland Visitor
Thomas Gleeson...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Майкл Джорджо
Michael Giorgio
...Chocolate Ride рассказчик
Kim Thomas...Mallowland Visitor
Ken Foster...
Adrian Taylor...Soft Drink Mascot
Isaac Enz-Meltz...Ice Cream Robber
Julia VanderVeen...Crazed Homemaker
Анджела Рамирес
Angela Ramirez
...Housemaid Mascot
Сэйдж Несбитт
Saige Nesbitt
...Mallowland Attendee
Alexis DePersia Norelli...Mallowland Visitor
Тамар Лопес
Tamar Lopez
...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Greg Leong...Mallowland Stagehand
Maria Castillo...Mallowland Visitor
John Shawl...Korean War Soldier
Charles Gent...Mallowland Visitor
Jaélen Haskett...Infomercial Child
Марджори Остриан
Marjorie Austrian
...The Grandma
Silvia Gutierrez...Drug Addicted Ice Cream Woman
Charles Gert...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Clinton Jones...Whippet Warrior
Lizzy Tate...Mallowland Visitor
David James Palmer...Vanilla Fudge Man
Cindy Hutchison...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Christopher Farina...Angry Man in the Crowd / Easter Bunny
June Hutchison...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Joshua Wrobel...Mallowland Visitor
Samantha D'Orazio...Mallowland Visitor
Karriem Barrow Rashid...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Dana Bruton...Crazed Homemaker
Steven Alexis...Mallowland Visitor
Erin Wik...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
James D. Hughes Jr....Slave Apparition
Chris Routh...Mallowland Visitor
Vera Sokol...Marshmallow Festival-Goer
Марко Кака
Marko Caka
...Slave Trader, немає в титрах
Мохаммед Хоссейн
Mohammed Hossain
...Chocolate Loading Dock Transport Technician, немає в титрах
George Morafetis...Mr. Livitz aka 'The Video Manager', немає в титрах