Фильмография Уолтер Лэнц

Фильмография: Продюсер, Режиссер, Сценарист, Актер
Woodpecker and Friends: Holiday Favorites (2014)
Король рекламы (1993)
The King of Ads
Вуди Вудпекер и друзья (1982)
Woody Woodpecker and His Friends
Приключения Вуди и его друзей (1957)
The Woody Woodpecker Show
The Dog That Cried Wolf (1953)
Обработка скальпа (1952)
Scalp Treatment
Woodpecker in the Rough (1952)
Stage Hoax (1952)
Рожденный долбить (1952)
Born to Peck
Destination Meat Ball (1951)
Полька Вуди Вудпеккера (1951)
The Woody Woodpecker Polka
Стрекозел и муравьи (1951)
The Redwood Sap
Slingshot 6 7/8 (1951)
Wicket Wacky (1951)
Сладких снов (1951)
Sleep Happy
Puny Express (1951)
Энди Панда: Прощайте, мистер Моль (1942)
Good-Bye Mr. Moth
Mother Goose on the Loose (1942)
The Hams That Couldn't Be Cured (1942)
The Hollywood Matador (1942)
Энди Панда: Под крышей кузницы (1942)
Under the Spreading Blacksmith Shop
$21 a Day - (Once a Month) (1941)
Pantry Panic (1941)
Man's Best Friend (1941)
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company «B» (1941)
Вуди Вудпекер – гонщик без тормозов (1941)
The Screwdriver
Ремонт у Энди Панды (1941)
Andy Panda's Pop
Дятел Вуди (1941)
Woody Woodpecker
Энди Панда и кот-акробат (1941)
Dizzy Kitty
Hysterical High Spots in American History (1941)
Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (1941)
Fair Today (1941)
Энди Панда: Охотники за мышами (1941)
Mouse Trappers
Syncopated Sioux (1940)
Тук-тук (1940)
Knock Knock
Энди Панда: Сумасшедший дом (1940)
Crazy House
The Amazing Recovery of Inbad the Ailer (1939)
Barnyard Romeo (1938)
Boy Meets Dog (1938)
Trade Mice (1938)
The Lamp Lighter (1938)
The Mysterious Jug (1937)
Football Fever (1937)
The Keeper of the Lions (1937)
Lovesick (1937)
The Air Express (1937)
Ostrich Feathers (1937)
The Rest Resort (1937)
Firemen's Picnic (1937)
The Playful Pup (1937)
The Country Store (1937)
The Wily Weasel (1937)
The Stevedores (1937)
Trailer Thrills (1937)
The Steel Workers (1937)
The Birthday Party (1937)
The Lumber Camp (1937)
Duck Hunt (1937)
The Big Race (1937)
Everybody Sing (1937)
House of Magic (1937)
The Golfers (1937)
Knights for a Day (1936)
Gopher Trouble (1936)
Turkey Dinner (1936)
The Unpopular Mechanic (1936)
Puppet Show (1936)
Night Life of the Bugs (1936)
Beachcombers (1936)
Kiddie Revue (1936)
Music Hath Charms (1936)
Battle Royal (1936)
Farming Fools (1936)
The Fun House (1936)
The Barnyard Five (1936)
Slumberland Express (1936)
Alaska Sweepstakes (1936)
Doctor Oswald (1935)
Case of the Lost Sheep (1935)
Перепелиная охота (1935)
The Quail Hunt
Fox and the Rabbit (1935)
Amateur Broadcast (1935)
Bronco Buster (1935)
At Your Service (1935)
Три ленивые мыши (1935)
Three Lazy Mice
Глупости в Таун-Холл (1935)
Towne Hall Follies
Springtime Serenade (1935)
Elmer the Great Dane (1935)
Леденцовая страна (1935)
Do a Good Deed (1935)
Two Little Lambs (1935)
Robinson Crusoe Isle (1935)
Chris Columbus, Jr. (1934)
Wax Works (1934)
Goldielocks and the Three Bears (1934)
Волк, волк (1934)
Wolf! Wolf!
The Toy Shoppe (1934)
Country Fair (1934)
The Candy House (1934)
Chicken Reel (1934)
The Merry Old Soul (1933)
Она была права (1933)
She Done Him Right
King Klunk (1933)
Hot and Cold (1933)
Pin Feathers (1933)
Nature's Workshop (1933)
Beau Best (1933)
The Lumber Champ (1933)
The Shriek (1933)
The Terrible Troubador (1933)
The Plumber (1933)
Merry Dog (1933)
Cats and Dogs (1932)
Суперпес (1932)
The Under Dog
The Crowd Snores (1932)
The Butcher Boy (1932)
The Athlete (1932)
A Jungle Jumble (1932)
A Wet Knight (1932)
Cat Nipped (1932)
The Winged Horse (1932)
Let's Eat (1932)
Making Good (1932)
Beau and Arrows (1932)
Wins Out (1932)
Mechanical Man (1932)
Grandma's Pet (1932)
The Clown (1931)
The Fisherman (1931)
The Hare Mail (1931)
Wonderland (1931)
The Hunter (1931)
Hot Feet (1931)
Kentucky Belles (1931)
Radio Rhythm (1931)
Stone Age (1931)
Northwoods (1931)
The Bandmaster (1931)
Country School (1931)
Sunny South (1931)
Пожарный (1931)
The Fireman
The Farmer (1931)
Shipwreck (1931)
College (1931)
China (1931)
Mars (1930)
Alaska (1930)
Africa (1930)
Mexico (1930)
The Navy (1930)
The Fowl Ball (1930)
The Detective (1930)
The Singing Sap (1930)
Cold Feet (1930)
Snappy Salesman (1930)
Henpecked (1930)
Spooks (1930)
Not So Quiet (1930)
My Pal Paul (1930)
Hells Heels (1930)
Hot for Hollywood (1930)
Tramping Tramps (1930)
The Prison Panic (1930)
The Hash Shop (1930)
Bowery Bimbos (1930)
Broadway Folly (1930)
Kisses and Kurses (1930)
Chilly Con Carmen (1930)
Kounty Fair (1930)
Nutty Notes (1929)
Hurdy Gurdy (1929)
Amature Nite (1929)
Cold Turkey (1929)
Permanent Wave (1929)
Oil's Well (1929)
Race Riot (1929)
Yanky Clippers (1929)
Blue Notes (1928)
Lunch Hound (1927)
Hyena's Laugh (1926)
The Tail of the Monkey (1926)
The Cat's Nine Lives (1926)
Dinky Doodle's Bed Time Story (1926)
Wild-West (1926)
Dinky Doodle in Egypt (1926)
The Arctic (1926)
Dinky Doodle in Uncle Tom's Cabin (1926)
Dinky Doodle in a Restaurant (1925)
Dinky Doodle in the Hunt (1925)
Dinky Doodle and the Bad Man (1925)
Just Spooks (1925)
Three Bears (1925)
Robinson Crusoe (1925)
Magic Carpet (1925)
Peter Pan Handled (1925)
The House That Dinky Built (1925)
Cinderella (1925)
Little Red Riding Hood (1925)
The Pied Piper (1924)
The Giant Killer (1924)
The Magic Lamp (1924)
Tad's Indoor Sports (1918)